Aug 4, 2024, 05:45 PM IST

8 strangest looking animals

Mahipal Chouhan

Axolotl: This aquatic salamander retains its larval features throughout its life, including external gills that give it a unique appearance.

Blobfish: Known for its gelatinous, droopy face, this deep-sea fish is often described as having a “sad” appearance.

Narwhal: Often called the “unicorn of the sea,” this whale has a long, spiral tusk that can grow up to 10 feet long.

Aye-Aye: This Madagascan lemur has large eyes, big ears, and an elongated middle finger used to tap on trees to find insects.

Warthog: With its large tusks and rugged appearance, the warthog is a wild member of the pig family with a distinctive, rough look.

Psychedelic Frogfish: This fish uses its bright, psychedelic colors and odd body shape to blend in with its surroundings while attracting prey.

Tardigrade: Also known as the “water bear,” these microscopic creatures are famous for their resilience and bizarre, bear-like appearance under a microscope.

Star-Nosed Mole: This mole has a star-shaped set of 22 fleshy appendages around its nose, which it uses to detect food in dark environments.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports