Aug 3, 2024, 07:19 AM IST

8 stunning images of Jupiter and its moon shared by NASA

Mahipal Chouhan

NASA frequently shares stunning images of Jupiter and its moons, showcasing various celestial features.

Jupiter has 95 moons officially recognized by the International Astronomical Union, with many being captured in NASA's photos.

A close-up of Jupiter's northern hemisphere, taken by NASA, reveals massive swirling storms in blue, tan, and white hues.

NASA's Juno spacecraft captured an image of Jupiter's moon Io, showing it half-illuminated by sunlight with volcanic activity visible.

The Europa Clipper spacecraft photographed Europa, one of Jupiter's largest moons, highlighting rust-colored stripes across its icy surface.

Juno's 38th close pass of Jupiter produced an image of the planet's surface, featuring storm-like clouds in blue, gray, and tan shades.

NASA's Hubble telescope captured Jupiter in ultraviolet, showing the gas giant in shades of pink, blue, and purple.

A close-up of Jupiter's iconic Great Red Spot was captured by Juno, depicting the enormous storm system in vivid detail.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports