Aug 18, 2024, 07:11 AM IST

8 stunning images of Supernova shared by NASA

Apurwa Amit

A supernova is a powerful and luminous stellar explosion that occurs at the end of a star's life cycle.

NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope has unveiled stunning image of Veil Nebula Supernova Remnant that exploded about 8,000 years ago.

Supernovae are one of the most energetic events in the universe, briefly outshining entire galaxies.

There are two main types of supernovae: Type I and Type II.

Type I supernovae occur in binary star systems where one star is a white dwarf and the other is a companion star.

Type II supernovae occur when a massive star runs out of nuclear fuel and collapses under its gravity.

The explosion of a supernova releases an enormous amount of energy and synthesises heavy elements which are scattered into space.

Scientists study supernovae to understand the life cycles of stars, the origin of elements in the universe, and the dynamics of galaxies.

Credit: NASA