Jul 27, 2024, 04:19 PM IST

8 surreal images of constellations shared by NASA

Pravrajya Suruchi

Tycho's Supernova, or SN 1572, is the red circle in the top left portion of the picture. It is a star explosion remnant named for the astronomer Tycho Brahe.

A large, gravitationally bonded cluster of around 1300 galaxies contributes to the exceptional galaxy richness of the Virgo (The Virgin) constellation.

The image is of the galaxies NGC 5011B and NGC 5011C against a background of stars. These galaxies, which are found in the Centaurus constellation.

The spiral galaxy NGC 6956's blue spirals shine brightly against an ominous background. Barred spiral galaxies, like NGC 6956, are spiral galaxies that have a bar-shaped structure of stars in the center. 

This infrared image shows the star-forming area NGC 2174, which is covered in hundreds of infant stars that are covered in dust.

The closest major galaxy cluster to our Milky Way galaxy, galaxy NGC 4569, is situated in the constellation Virgo, approximately four million light-years away.

In the constellation Orion, the Messier 78 nebula is about 1,600 light years from Earth. This picture was captured by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope.

Credit: NASA