Jun 28, 2024, 01:24 PM IST

8 terrifyingly scary-looking animals

Mahipal Chouhan

Vampire Bat - Feeds on blood and has sharp teeth.

Alligator: Semi-aquatic reptile, strong jaws snap shut with great force, conical teeth hold prey, prefers slow-moving waters.

Vulture - Large bird of prey known for scavenging and its bald head.

Komodo Dragon - Large, powerful lizard with toxic saliva.

Lion: Big cat, wide mouth with sharp teeth for gripping prey, social hunters with powerful roars.

Snake: Flexible jaws and stretchy ligaments allow swallowing prey larger than head, venomous or constrictive hunting methods.

Walrus: Arctic marine mammal, large mouth with tusks for defense and digging, feeds on clams from seabed.

Aye-Aye - Lemur with a long middle finger and eerie eyes.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports