Jan 2, 2024, 09:26 PM IST

9 English words origin from  Sanskrit

Deepika Shakya

Originating from Sanskrit "yuj," meaning to unite, yoga is a practice that unites the mind, body, and spirit through physical postures and meditation.


Derived from "kri," meaning to do, karma represents the concept of actions and their consequences in Hinduism and Buddhism.


Rooted in "man," meaning mind, and "tra," meaning tool, a mantra is a repeated phrase or sound used in meditation to focus the mind.


Coming from "avatara," meaning descent, an avatar refers to a person taking on a new identity.


Stemming from "cakra," meaning wheel, chakras are energy centers in the body according to Hindu and Buddhist traditions.


 From "guruh," meaning teacher, guru represents a spiritual guide or mentor in various Indian religions.


Derived from "mandalam," meaning circle, a mandala is a geometric design used in Hindu and Buddhist rituals to symbolize the universe.


Representing the ultimate reality or consciousness, "Aum" is a sacred sound in Hinduism and a symbol in meditation.


Rooted in "dhr," meaning to uphold, dharma refers to one's moral and social duties
