Aug 27, 2024, 08:48 AM IST

AI imagines Bengaluru after 100 years

Mahipal Chouhan

Global Tech Hub: Bengaluru has cemented its status as a leading global tech hub, attracting top talent and investment from around the world.

Smart City Infrastructure: The city boasts state-of-the-art smart city infrastructure, including advanced traffic management, smart grids, and automated waste management systems.

Smart City Infrastructure: Bengaluru could evolve into a fully smart city with advanced IoT systems managing everything from traffic to energy consumption, optimizing urban living.

Space Tech: Bengaluru could play a key role in space exploration, with tech startups and research institutions working on space travel, satellite technology, and extraterrestrial research.

Quantum Computing Hub: The city might become a global center for quantum computing research and development, fostering breakthroughs in various fields.

Advanced Robotics: Robotics could be a major part of the workforce, handling tasks from manufacturing to domestic chores, improving efficiency and quality of life.

Virtual Reality: VR and AR technologies are widely used for education, training, entertainment, and virtual tourism, offering immersive experiences.

Next-Gen Transportation: Futuristic transportation solutions such as hyperloop systems, flying cars, and advanced public transit could revolutionize how people move around the city.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports