Sep 7, 2024, 08:18 PM IST

Animals that adopt other species

Shweta Singh

Dogs have been known to adopt various animals, including cats, squirrels, and even ducklings, showing strong nurturing instincts.


Dolphins have been observed adopting orphaned calves, even from different species like pilot whales, displaying their social intelligence.


Domestic cats have been seen adopting other animals like rabbits, birds, and even puppies, often nurturing them as their own.


In the wild, chimpanzees have been known to adopt orphaned infants from different primate species, especially in group settings.


Cows are known to nurse and adopt calves from other cows, including from different species like goats and sheep, due to their strong maternal instincts.


There have been rare instances of lionesses adopting and caring for baby antelopes, showing surprising compassion for potential prey.


Some birds, like penguins and gulls, have been observed raising chicks from other species, often after mistaking them for their own.


Elephants are highly social and have been seen adopting orphaned elephants or even animals like rhinos, offering protection and care.
