Apr 16, 2024, 07:13 PM IST

Animals that are immune to snake venom

Pavan Naidu

Snake venom is a potent substance that poses a significant threat to various living beings.

However, their are creatures in the animal kingdom that are immune to snake venom. Let’s have a look at them.

Honey Badger

These creatures have thick, loose skin, which defends them from being bitten. They also possess a molecular defense system that shields them from the deadly toxins of snakes.


This marsupial has a protein in its blood that can neutralize various snake venoms, showcasing its remarkable ability to survive in snake-infested environments.

King Cobra

Most of the snakes are immune to their own venom and king cobra is immune to its own venom as well. However, it can be harmed and killed by another King Cobra or venomous snakes.


Hedgehog are immune to snake and scorpion venom, possessing natural defense mechanism against potential threats.


Snakes most fiercest rival, the mongoose are known for their agility and quick reflexes. Intersingtly, mongooses possess some resistance to snake venom, allowing them to engage in a brawl with snakes without the fear of poisoning.

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