Sep 6, 2024, 06:43 PM IST

Animals that are incredible swimmers

Shweta Singh

Despite their large size, elephants are surprisingly good swimmers and use their trunks as snorkels while swimming.


Many bear species, such as the grizzly and polar bear, are strong swimmers and can travel long distances in water.


Wolves are skilled swimmers and will often swim across rivers or lakes in search of food or territory.


Red kangaroos can swim well when necessary, using their powerful hind legs to propel themselves through water.


Wild boars and domestic pigs are good swimmers and can often be seen swimming in rivers or ponds.


Many deer species, like the white-tailed deer, are competent swimmers and will cross rivers or lakes to escape predators or find food.


Although they spend much of their time in water, hippos are also effective swimmers and use their buoyant bodies to navigate through rivers and lakes.


Rhinos are capable swimmers and often cool off in waterholes or swim across rivers in their natural habitats.


While not often associated with swimming, giraffes can swim if necessary, using their long legs to move through the water.
