May 7, 2024, 12:28 PM IST

Animals that can walk on two legs

Shivam Verma

Bears: While bears primarily walk on all fours, they can also stand and walk on their hind legs for short distances.

Chimpanzees: They often walk bipedally, especially when carrying objects.

Kangaroos: They use their powerful hind legs to hop but can also stand and balance on two legs.

Meerkats: These small mammals in the mongoose family frequently stand on their hind legs to survey their surroundings.

Penguins: Although they waddle on all fours most of the time, penguins can stand and walk on two legs when necessary.

Cockatoos: Some species of cockatoos can walk on two legs, especially when they want to manipulate objects with their beaks.

Image source: Pexels