Aug 13, 2024, 08:58 PM IST

Animals that can survive without sleeping

Jaisal Kaur

Orca: They use unihemispheric sleep to rest without losing consciousness, ensuring awareness.

Fruit fly: Few fruit flies show resistance to sleep, with some capable of surviving without sleep.

Alpine swift: Alpine swifts take flight for up to six months without nwwsing to land or sleep. 

Bullfrog: Bullfrogs don’t need sleep, as they consist of no sleep-wake cycle. 

Bluefish: Bluefish also do not sleep, as their movement is essential for breathing and hunting. 

Dolphins: Dolphins have special mechanism called unihemispheric sleep, which permits them to sleep with one half of their brain.

Tilapia: Tilapia don’t need sleep, as they don’t have a pineal gland, which produces hormone that regulates sleep.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports