Jun 26, 2024, 04:03 PM IST

Animals that have stripes other than tigers 

Deepika Shakya

Known for their black and white stripes, each zebra has a unique pattern


Okapis have striking white stripes on their legs and hindquarters.


These insects have distinctive yellow and black stripes that serve as a warning to predators about their ability to sting.


 Striped hyenas are found in parts of Africa and Asia, known for their scavenging habits.

Striped Hyena

These small, brightly colored fish have orange bodies with white stripes


Chipmunks are found in North America and Asia and are known for storing food in their cheek pouches.


Skunks use their stripes as a warning of their powerful defensive spray.


They have long tail with alternating black and white rings, helping them maintain balance and communicate with others.

Ring-tailed Lemurs