Jun 7, 2024, 10:14 AM IST

Animals that hunt elephants

Ritik Raj

Cheetahs: While their primary diet consists of smaller prey, cheetahs have occasionally been known to try to feed on young or frail elephants.

Crocodiles: When elephants approach rivers or waterholes to drink, crocodiles may attack them, especially if they are young or weak.

Tigers: Due to the extreme rarity of tigers and the enormous size of adult elephants, tigers may attempt to hunt young elephants in some regions of Asia.

Lions: Although they usually stay away from mature, fully grown elephants, lions occasionally prey on young or frail elephants.

Hyenas: In certain situations, hyenas may hunt young or injured elephants, just like lions do.

Wild Dogs: While interactions between packs of wild dogs and young or sick elephants are rare, they do occasionally occur.

Hippos: Although they are not usually elephant predators, hippos and elephants can become aggressive during territorial disputes, which could result in harm or even death for either animal.