Jul 20, 2024, 04:33 PM IST

Animals that hunt in packs

Shweta Singh

Perhaps the most famous pack hunters, wolves use their numbers to take down large prey like deer, elk, and bison.


Known for their incredible teamwork and coordination, African wild dogs can take down prey much larger than themselves.

African Wild Dogs

Lions, particularly the females, hunt in prides to catch large prey such as zebras, wildebeests, and buffalo.


Spotted hyenas hunt in packs and can bring down large herbivores like zebras and wildebeests.


These marine mammals work together to hunt fish, seals, and even large whales.

Killer Whales

Bottlenose dolphins often hunt in groups, corralling fish into tight balls to make them easier to catch.


Like their larger relatives, gray wolves hunt in packs to bring down large prey such as moose and caribou.

Gray Wolves

These primates hunt in groups to catch smaller mammals like monkeys.


Known for their aggressive hunting tactics, Humboldt squid hunt in schools to overpower their prey.

Humboldt Squid