Jul 27, 2024, 07:19 PM IST

Animals that lived with dinosaurs

Shweta Singh

Flying reptiles like Pteranodon and Pterodactylus were contemporaries of dinosaurs, though not technically dinosaurs themselves. They roamed the skies during the Mesozoic era.


Small, shrew-like mammals such as Morganucodon and Repenomamus coexisted with dinosaurs. They were generally small and lived in the shadows of their larger contemporaries.


Various amphibians, including some large ones like Beelzebufo (also known as the "devil frog"), lived during the age of dinosaurs.


Ancestors of modern crocodiles, such as Deinosuchus, were present alongside dinosaurs. They were larger and more varied in the Mesozoic era.


Various turtle species, including the large marine turtles like Archelon, existed alongside dinosaurs and adapted to both aquatic and terrestrial environments.


Fish like Lepidotes and Xiphactinus were common in the waters during the Mesozoic era. These fish were diverse and adapted to various aquatic habitats.


Insects such as dragonflies and beetles existed during the Mesozoic era, with some species being quite large compared to modern insects.


Ammonites and nautiluses were cephalopods with shells that lived in the oceans alongside dinosaurs. They were significant marine predators and scavengers.

Squid-like Cephalopods