Nov 4, 2024, 05:51 PM IST
Normally omnivorous, red foxes consume more berries, fruits, and vegetation when other prey becomes scarce in winter.
Although they usually eat a mix of plants and grasses, deer turn almost exclusively to tree bark, twigs, and shrubs in winter.
Preparing for hibernation, brown bears forage on berries, nuts, and fruits to store fat, shifting to plant-based food in the late fall.
While they typically eat nuts and seeds, squirrels also consume tree buds and bark during colder months.
In winter, moose rely on woody vegetation like willow and birch bark, as aquatic plants are no longer accessible.
Although omnivorous, raccoons forage for fruits, nuts, and seeds when insects and small animals are less available.
Usually insectivores, hedgehogs eat fallen fruits and plant matter as other food sources dwindle before hibernation.
While they normally eat a variety of food, in winter, they feed on acorns, seeds, and nuts found on the ground.
Known for eating aquatic plants and woody vegetation, beavers rely more heavily on tree bark and roots during winter.