Jun 23, 2024, 03:55 PM IST

Animals that use venom for protection

Varnika Srivastava

Here are a few animals that uses their venom as a protective shield. 

Box jellyfish: The tentacles of this marine creature can deliver venomous stings that can be fatal to humans.

Blue-ringed Octopus : The Poison Arrow Crab, a small octopus found in the Indo-Pacific, uses venomous spines for defense and can cause paralysis and death.

 ​Poisonous Snakes: The Inland Taipan and Coral Snake are species that inject venom through bites.

Poison Dart Frogs: Poison dart frogs, known for their brightly colored bodies, secrete toxins through their skin, while cone snails use a harpoon-like tooth to inject venom that can paralyze prey. 

​Cone Snails: Marine snails employ a harpoon-like tooth to inject venom that can paralyze their prey.

Poison Arrow Crab:  These crabs, found in the Indo-Pacific, utilize venomous spines as their defense mechanism.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports