Aug 1, 2024, 03:00 PM IST

Animal with blue blood, 9 brains, and 3 heart

Deepika Shakya

Animals have blue blood because their blood contains a copper-based substance called hemocyanin, which turns blue when it carries oxygen.

Have one main brain and eight smaller brains, one for each arm, allowing them to control their movements independently.

Two hearts pump blood to the gills, and the third heart pumps blood to the rest of the body.

These unique traits are found in octopuses, which are known for their intelligence and problem-solving skills.

Octopuses can change color and texture to blend in with their surroundings

If an octopus loses an arm, it can grow a new one, which is a remarkable survival ability.

 When threatened, octopuse release ink to confuse predators and make a quick escape.

Despite their complexity, most octopuses live for only a few years.