Jul 20, 2024, 07:10 PM IST

Animals with more than two eyes

Shweta Singh

Most spiders have eight eyes, although the number can vary. These eyes are usually arranged in two rows of four, providing excellent vision for detecting movement and hunting prey.


Horseshoe crabs have ten eyes scattered over their bodies. These include two compound eyes on the top of their shells, simple eyes near the mouth, and photoreceptors on the tail.

Horseshoe Crab

Starfish have eye spots at the end of each of their arms. These eye spots can detect light and dark, helping them navigate their environments.


Scallops have up to 100 tiny eyes lining the edge of their mantles. These eyes detect light and movement, helping scallops sense predators and changes in their environment.


Box jellyfish have 24 eyes grouped in clusters of six on each of their four sides. These include both simple and complex eyes, allowing them to navigate and hunt effectively.

Box Jellyfish

While butterflies have two compound eyes, each eye is made up of thousands of individual lenses (ommatidia), providing a wide field of vision and the ability to detect fast movements.


Mantis shrimps have two compound eyes, each with thousands of ommatidia. Additionally, their eyes are divided into three parts, allowing them to see polarized light and an extensive range of colors, including ultraviolet.

Mantis Shrimp

Although many harvestmen have only two eyes, some species possess more. Their eyes are simple and located on the sides of their heads, providing a broad field of vision.
