Aug 14, 2024, 10:54 AM IST

Birds eat rocks after eating, here's why

Apurwa Amit

Here are interesting facts why birds swallow rocks after eating

Birds eat rocks after eating to aid digestion by using them in their gizzard, a part of their stomach.

The rocks act like teeth, helping to grind tough food like seeds and insects.

Grinding with the rocks breaks down the food into smaller pieces for better digestion.

This process enables birds to extract nutrients effectively from their food, supporting their overall health and energy levels.

This behavior of ingesting rocks, known as geophagy, is observed in many bird species and is considered a natural and instinctive behavior. 

Crows and parrots are known to eat small rocks as it helps them in digestion.

It's like their way of having "teeth" to chew their food inside their stomach

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports