Jun 27, 2024, 07:21 AM IST

Black tiger vs white tiger vs yellow tiger: 8 differences

Mahipal Chouhan

Color and Patterns: Black Tigers are very dark or black with faint, darker stripes. White Tigers are white with dark stripes. Yellow Tigers are orange with black stripes.

Habitat: Black Tigers are reported in dense forests. White Tigers were historically in India, now mostly captive. Yellow Tigers inhabit diverse Asian regions.

Genetics: Black Tigers result from excess melanin (melanism). White Tigers have a recessive gene for leucism. Yellow Tigers have typical tiger pigmentation.

Conservation Status: Black Tigers have no specific status due to rarity. White Tigers are part of Bengal population, often captive. Yellow Tigers are endangered.

Reproduction: Black Tigers' melanism is recessive. White Tigers need both parents with recessive gene, causing inbreeding. Yellow Tigers reproduce normally in wild.

Behavior and Social Structure: Black Tigers lack specific behavioral studies. White Tigers behave like other tigers in captivity. Yellow Tigers are solitary, occasionally in family groups.

Size and Physical Characteristics: Black Tigers' dark coloration may make them appear larger. White Tigers are slightly larger due to captivity. Yellow Tigers' size varies among subspecies.

Diet and Hunting: Black Tigers' dark color might impact hunting in specific environments. White Tigers' color reduces camouflage. Yellow Tigers are well-camouflaged apex predators.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports