May 29, 2024, 05:22 PM IST

Can autism be detected in mother's womb?

Pravrajya Suruchi

There isn't a definitive test for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) during pregnancy. However, some research suggests possibilities for the future:

Routine ultrasounds: A 2022 study showed a possible link between certain ultrasound findings in the second trimester and a later diagnosis of ASD.

Fetal blood tests: Researchers are exploring the potential of analyzing fetal blood for specific markers that might be associated with an increased risk of ASD.

Amniocentesis: This prenatal test, which carries some risks, is used for other genetic conditions. 

These are all areas of ongoing research, and not established methods for diagnosing ASD in utero.

Even if these tests are further developed, they likely wouldn't diagnose autism definitively, but might indicate a higher risk.

Early diagnosis of ASD after birth is still the most common approach.

If you're concerned about autism or have questions, it's always best to consult with a doctor or genetic counselor.

This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion.