Jun 24, 2024, 09:44 PM IST

Countries with 1% Hindu population

Pavan Naidu

Hinduism is among the largest religions in the world. There are some countries including India where the population of Hindus is more than other religions.

But there are many countries in the world where the population of Hindus is less than one percent.

Here are five such countries where the population of Hindus is less than 1 percent.

Afghanistan is one such country in the world where the population of Hindus is less than 1 percent.

Algeria is also another country that has a population of Hindus less than 1 percent.

Argentina is a country where the population of both Hindus and Muslims is less than 1 percent.

The Hindu population in Belgium also stands less than 1 percent.

The information is not DNA's opinion and is obtained from media reports.