Jul 30, 2024, 10:01 PM IST

Countries with least non-vegetarian population

Varnika Srivastava

India boasts one of the world's largest vegetarian populations due to its diverse religious, cultural, and dietary preferences.


Mexican cuisine is gaining popularity due to the increasing awareness of vegetarian and plant-based diets, despite meat being a staple.


The traditional Brazilian diet comprises various meats, but there is a growing trend towards vegetarian diets in urban areas.


Israel's diet is diverse, primarily meat-based, but also includes a significant number of vegetarians and vegans due to health and environmental concerns.


Taiwan is known for its significant vegetarian population, particularly among Buddhists, and while vegetarianism is prevalent, meat consumption is also prevalent in the country.


Australia's non-vegetarian culture heavily relies on meats, but people are increasingly adopting plant-based diets in recent times.


This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports