Sep 27, 2024, 11:19 AM IST

Crime detection rates in Delhi 

Meemansa Shekhawat

The New Delhi's 2024 crime data displays varying detection and clearance rates across different categories of crime this year. 

1. As per the data, the burglary and house theft detection rates are very low at 32.78% and 26% respectively.

2. Snatching and kidnapping detection rates stood at 57% and 58% respectively. 

3. The detection rate of the extortion cases were 51%. 

4. Road accidents continue to pose a challenge, with detection rates being 54.67%. 

5. Murder cases have an impressive detection rate of 90.58% this year. 

6. Rape and POCSO cases have a detection rate of 95.31%, as against 93.62% last year. 

7. Cases of robberies saw a detection rate of 95%, as against 93.7% in 2023. 

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports.