May 14, 2023, 05:09 PM IST

Deadliest cobras who spit venom

Mahipal Chouhan

Here are some images and facts about cobras who spit venom.

Mahipal Chouhan

Spitting cobras are venomous snakes that can deliver a blinding spray or mist of venom at the eyes of their enemies. 

 Spitting cobras have specialized fangs with smaller holes in them that allow the pressure generated on their venom glands to send the venom out from the snake’s mouth.

Some cobras can spit as far as 6 to 10 feet from their mouths. 

Spitting cobras spit venom towards the eyes of humans or animals to defend themselves against a perceived threat.

However, if they miss their target, the majority of cobra venom will not do much to the victim.