Jun 28, 2024, 07:05 PM IST

Did Akbar really punish Anarkali?

Shweta Singh

Anarkali, whose real name was Nadira Begum, was believed to be a beautiful courtesan in Akbar's court during the 16th century.

According to the legend, Anarkali and Prince Salim (the future Emperor Jahangir) fell in love, despite their difference in social status.

Akbar disapproved of their relationship, as Anarkali was not of noble birth and Salim's marriage was politically significant.

Akbar, angered by their affair, ordered Anarkali to be buried alive within a wall as punishment for defying social norms and endangering the stability of the empire.

Historians debate the veracity of this tale, as there is limited contemporary evidence supporting it. Many consider it a romanticized myth rather than a factual event.

The story has inspired numerous works of literature, drama, and film in South Asia, portraying Anarkali as a tragic heroine.

Anarkali's story is often interpreted as a symbol of forbidden love and societal restrictions, resonating with themes of love, defiance, and tragedy.

Akbar's reign was marked by significant cultural and political developments, but specific details about Anarkali's fate remain unclear and are likely embellished over time.