Sep 25, 2024, 09:32 AM IST

Eight countries with best IQ in the world 

Meemansa Shekhawat

The Intelligence Quotient is a measure of intellectual ability, i.e., the ability to perform. Here is a survey, conducted between 2000 and 2019, that shows countries ranked from top to bottom according to the IQ levels of its citizens. 

1. Japan: Japan tops the list with an average IQ of 106. 

2. Hong Kong: Hong Kong also possesses an average IQ level of 106. 

3. Singapore: With an average IQ level of 106, Singapore stands among the top countries. 

4. Taiwan: Taiwan has also an average IQ level of 106, making it as one of the top countries with highest of those. 

5. China: China closely follows the top countries with an average IQ level of 104. 

6. South Korea: South Korea has an average IQ level of 103. 

7. Netherlands: Ranked as one of the top ten countries with the highest IQ levels, Netherlands possesses an average IQ level of 101.  

8. Finland: Similar to Netherlands, Finland has an average IQ level of 101. 

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports.