Dec 12, 2023, 03:11 PM IST

Extinct species of India 


India, like many other regions, has witnessed the extinction of various species due to factors such as habitat loss, hunting, and other human-induced pressures. Here are a few extinct species that were once native to India:

Indian Cheetah

The Indian cheetah, also known as the Asiatic cheetah, was native to India, but it became extinct in the country in the mid-20th century due to habitat loss, hunting, and a decline in prey populations.

Pink-headed duck

The pink-headed duck was a strikingly colored waterfowl species found in India and Bangladesh. It is believed to have gone extinct in the mid-20th century due to habitat destruction and hunting.

Indian Javan Rhinoceros

The Indian Javan rhinoceros was a subspecies of the Javan rhinoceros that inhabited the swamps and grasslands of Northeast India. It became extinct in the early 20th century, primarily due to habitat loss and hunting.

Indian Cattle

The Indian aurochs, a subspecies of the wild cattle, once roamed the Indian subcontinent. It is believed to have become extinct around 2000 BCE due to hunting and habitat changes with the spread of agriculture.

Forest Owlet

The forest owlet was a species of owl that was once found in the forests of central India. It was considered extinct for over a century, but there were unconfirmed reports suggesting its existence. However, recent searches have failed to find any living individuals.

Himalayan Quail

The Himalayan quail was a ground-dwelling bird species native to the Himalayan regions of India. The last confirmed sighting was in 1876, and it is believed to have become extinct due to habitat loss and hunting.

Indian Vulture Species

Several species of vultures in India, including the Indian white-rumped vulture (Gyps bengalensis), Indian vulture (Gyps indicus), and Slender-billed vulture (Gyps tenuirostris), have experienced a severe decline in population.