Aug 13, 2024, 04:13 PM IST

Here's all you need to know about our solar system

Meemansa Shekhawat

Located in the Orion Spur of the Milky Way Galaxy, the solar system primarily consists of the Sun, eight planets, five dwarf plants along with hundreds of asteroids and comets. 

The Earth is the third planet from the Sun. So far, this is the only astronomical object known to harbor life.

Our solar system was formed 4.6 billion years ago from a dense cloud of interstellar gas and dust. The cloud collapsed, possibly due to the shockwave of a nearby exploding star, called a supernova. When this dust cloud collapsed, it formed a solar nebula – a spinning, swirling disk of material.

An estimate shows that the solar system has a diameter of 30 trillion kilometers. 

The distance from Earth to the Sun is 149 million kilometers, and the distance to the farthest planet Neptune is nearly 4.5 billion kilometers.

Another interesting fact is that planets like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are merely big balls of hydrogen and helium. They do not have rocky surfaces. 

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports.