Jul 5, 2024, 04:55 PM IST

How much did Birbal earn during Mughal Era?

Mahipal Chouhan

Ever wondered about Birbal's wealth as one of Akbar's Navratnas? It's quite the story!

Historical source: Information about wealth from Abul-Fazal's book "Ain-e-Akbari".

Birbal's monthly salary: Approximately 16,500 silver rupees.

Additional income: Birbal received a jagir, providing extra salary and a share of its earnings.

Emperor Akbar's annual income: 9 crore silver rupees in 1595 (39th year of his reign).

Context of wealth: A common family could survive on 2 rupees per month at that time.

Birbal's significance: His inclusion in Akbar's Navratnas highlights his importance and wealth.

Economic disparity: The vast difference between Birbal's salary and a common family's needs illustrates the economic gap of the era.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports