Jun 28, 2024, 08:20 AM IST

IAS officers' salary, allowance, perks

Pravrajya Suruchi

 IAS officers begin their careers as sub-divisional magistrates during probation and then advance to roles like district magistrate and collector. 

Salary Structure: The salary for IAS officers starts at Rs 50,000 and can rise to Rs 1,50,000 in junior scale, senior time scale, and junior administrative grade levels.

Higher Pay Scales: Officers in the selection grade, super time scale, and above super time scale brackets can earn between Rs 1,00,000 and Rs 2,00,000. Those in the apex scale and cabinet secretary grade may receive up to Rs 2,50,000.

Accommodation: IAS officers are provided with bungalows or residential units based on their rank, pay scale, and seniority, with the size determined by the Central Public Works Department.

Transportation: Officers receive government vehicles corresponding to their rank and posting.

Security: IAS officers are entitled to three home guards and two bodyguards for personal and family security, and they can possess licensed firearms like other citizens.

Utilities: They enjoy free or highly subsidized electricity, water, gas, and phone connections.

Travel Benefits: During official or unofficial trips, officers benefit from subsidized accommodation in government guest houses or bungalows.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports