Jul 5, 2024, 04:20 PM IST

India's only 'unnamed' station is in...

Varnika Srivastava

Railways is the cheapest means to travel from one place to another in India.

Lakhs of people travel by train every day. It is estimated that there are a total of 7000 to 8500 railway stations in India.

But do you know which is the railway station in India which has no name.

Even the king of GK could not tell the name of this railway station.

This unique railway station of India is located in West Bengal. This railway station is located between Raina and Rainagarh villages, about 35 kilometers away from Vardhaman in West Bengal.

Due to the dispute between two villages, this railway station has become nameless. People of Raina village say that since the station is built on the land of this village, then the name should also be in the name of this village.

The villagers of Rainagarh say that since the name of the station has already been changed to Rainagarh, it should not be changed.

Gradually the dispute between the two villages increased so much that the matter reached the Railway Board.

That's why it became nameless. After this the Railway Board made this station nameless. Although its name is Rainagarh on the train ticket, there has been no change in it.