Aug 2, 2024, 04:02 PM IST

Jupiter, Mars coming together in rare conjunction; know when, where to look

Pravrajya Suruchi

Rare Alignment: Jupiter and Mars will undergo a rare conjunction in August.

Exceptional Proximity: The two planets will appear incredibly close, less than the width of a full Moon apart.

Prime Viewing Time: The best time to observe the conjunction is just before dawn on August 14th, looking towards the eastern sky.

Astronomical Phenomenon: A planetary conjunction occurs when two planets align from Earth's perspective.

NASA's Observation: NASA highlights the visibility of the event, with Jupiter's brightness and Mars' reddish hue being prominent.

Historical Importance: Conjunctions have held cultural and astrological significance throughout history.

Public Engagement: The event is expected to captivate amateur astronomers, photographers, and the general public alike.