Apr 29, 2024, 12:17 PM IST

Know national animals of these 10 countries

Pravrajya Suruchi

India: Bengal Tiger - Majestic apex predator known for its orange and black stripes.

Indonesia: Komodo Dragon - Largest living lizard, feared for its venomous bite.

 Australia: Koala - Adorable marsupial known for its eucalyptus diet and sleepy demeanor.

China: Giant Panda - Beloved bear recognized for its black and white fur and bamboo munching.

Brazil: Jaguar - Powerful rainforest cat with a spotted coat, a symbol of strength and agility.

Canada: Beaver - Hardworking rodent known for dam building and its role in shaping the landscape.

Russia: Brown Bear - Powerful symbol of wilderness, revered for its size and strength.

United States of America: Bald Eagle - Soaring bird of prey with a white head, representing freedom and national pride.

France: Gallic Rooster - Proud symbol of French national identity, often depicted with a defiant stance.

Japan: Japanese Macaque - Snow monkey known for its intelligence and unique social behavior in hot springs.