Jun 30, 2024, 08:20 PM IST

This Indian king had 365 queens

Shweta Singh

Bhupinder Singh ruled the princely state of Patiala from 1900 to 1938, during the British Raj in India.

He was known for modernizing Patiala, introducing reforms in education, agriculture, and infrastructure.

Bhupinder Singh was passionate about sports, particularly polo, and under his patronage, Patiala became a hub for sports and physical education.

He maintained a complex relationship with the British authorities, sometimes cooperating and at other times asserting his independence.

Known for his opulence, Bhupinder Singh had a lavish lifestyle, with numerous palaces and a vast collection of cars and jewels.

He played a significant role in Indian politics during his time, navigating between loyalty to the British Crown and nationalist sentiments.

Bhupinder Singh's marriage to 365 queens and concubines was notable for its scale, reflecting the traditional practices of royal households in India.

His legacy includes not only his cultural impact on Patiala but also his contributions to the socio-economic development of the region during his reign.