Aug 24, 2024, 10:09 PM IST

Meet world’s most murderous animal

Pavan Naidu

The animal kingdom has many fascinating creatures, each possessing unique traits and behaviours.

Amidst this biodiversity, there exists one creature that stands out for its notorious reputation as the world's most murderous animal.

As per a 2016 study, meerkats are the most likely mammal to be killed by their own species.

The study analyzed over 4 million deaths across 1,024 mammal species and found that about one in five meerkats die by their own species. 

This places meerkats ahead of lions, wolves, and even leopards when it comes to family fatal feuds.

Meerkats live in large familial packs, often comprising approximately 50 members and their society is matriarchal.

At the helm is the alpha female or matriarch, who seizes control of breeding matters. The females even go to the extent of killing the newborns of other females to ensure her offspring survive and thrive.

At times, meerkats find themselves in tough situations where food is lacking or resources are fiercely contested. These brutal conditions might lead them to an unfortunate survival strategy –  kill and eat their young ones.