Jul 4, 2024, 03:55 PM IST

Most cunning and debauched Mughal queens 

Shweta Singh

The beloved wife of Jahangir, she wielded considerable power due to his addictions. Known for her political acumen, she was often seen as manipulative and ambitious.

Nur Jahan

Shah Jahan's chief consort, remembered for the Taj Mahal and her influence in court politics. Though not debauched, her significant influence caused court friction.

Mumtaz Mahal

Eldest daughter of Shah Jahan, held substantial power and was involved in court politics. Known for her luxurious lifestyle and central role in court intrigues.

Jahanara Begum

Supported Aurangzeb in the war of succession, ensuring his victory over Dara Shikoh. Known for her political maneuvering and scandalous lifestyle.

Roshanara Begum

Foster mother of Akbar, gained significant influence and advanced her family's position. Involved in the assassination of Akbar’s regent, Bairam Khan.

Maham Anaga

Mother of Akbar, played a crucial role in securing his throne during his early years. Her behind-the-scenes influence was vital for the empire's stability.

Hamida Banu Begum

Akbar's first wife, held significant influence and was involved in court politics. Maintained her position as a chief consort throughout Akbar’s reign.

Ruqaiya Sultan Begum

Rajput princess and wife of Akbar, used her position to secure advantages for her relatives. Known for her diplomatic skills and involvement in trade and commerce.
