Jul 3, 2024, 08:59 PM IST

Most dangerous tourist destinations in the world

Pavan Naidu

Mount Huashan, China

Located near the city of Huayin in Shaanxi Province, this mountain is famous for its dangerous hiking trails and narrow paths. Moreover, Adventurers who trek here also get to see breathtaking views, but one wrong step could be fatal.

Death Road, Bolivia

Known as the world's most dangerous road, this route is infamous for its treacherous conditions and steep cliffs. 

Danakil Desert, Ethiopia

With its extreme temperatures and active volcanoes, this destination is as mesmerizing as it is hazardous. Travellers must be well-prepared to face the harsh environment.

Madidi National Park, Bolivia

Home to a diverse range of wildlife, visitors must be vigilant due to the presence of predators like jaguars and venomous snakes.

Trolltunga, Norway

Trolltunga is a breathtaking cliff in Norway that offers a unique and thrilling experience for adventure enthusiasts. Perched 700 meters above Lake Ringedalsvatnet, this iconic rock formation attracts adventurers from around the globe.

El Caminito del Rey, Spain

Once dubbed the world's most dangerous walkway, this path carved into a steep gorge offers breathtaking views but requires nerves of steel to traverse safely.

Yosemite National Park, USA

While renowned for its stunning landscapes, Yosemite poses risks such as rockfalls and avalanches. Adventurers should exercise caution when exploring its rugged terrain.