Jul 26, 2024, 05:32 PM IST

Most poisonous butterflies in the world 

Shweta Singh

Similar to the Monarch, the Queen also stores cardiac glycosides. It makes them unpalatable, deterring potential predators.

Queen Butterfly

The Common Crow derives toxins from milkweed and other poisonous plants. This adaptation makes it distasteful to birds and other predators.

Common Crow

The Monarch accumulates cardiac glycosides from milkweed plants. This toxin can induce vomiting and cardiac arrest in predators.

Monarch Butterfly

The Blue Tiger absorbs cardiac glycosides from its host plants. This chemical protection helps it evade predation.

Blue Tiger

This butterfly also utilizes cardiac glycosides for defense. Found in Sri Lanka, it is toxic to birds and other predators.

Ceylon Blue Glassy Tiger

The Plain Tiger obtains toxins from milkweed, similar to other Danaus species. This makes it unappealing to potential threats.

Plain Tiger

The Crimson Rose possesses aristolochic acids from pipevine plants. These compounds are highly toxic, causing illness in predators.

Crimson Rose

Another member of the Euploea genus, it gathers toxins from milkweed. This adaptation results in its unpalatability and protection from predation.

Common Indian Crow