May 2, 2024, 06:35 PM IST

Most populated city in the world

Pravrajya Suruchi

Tokyo boasts a staggering population exceeding 37 million, making it the most populous city globally.

Metropolitan Area: The Greater Tokyo Area, encompassing the city and surrounding prefectures, holds the title of the most populous metropolitan area in the world.

Historical Reign: Tokyo has held the title of the most populous city since 1955, showcasing its consistent growth and urban development.

Economic Powerhouse: Tokyo is a global economic powerhouse, housing numerous Fortune 500 companies.

Cultural Hub: Tokyo is a vibrant hub of Japanese culture, offering a blend of ancient traditions and modern innovation.

Efficient Transportation: Tokyo boasts an extensive and well-connected public transportation system.

Unique Districts: Tokyo is divided into distinct districts, each with its own character and offerings.

Technological Advancements: Tokyo is a leader in technological advancements, with a focus on robotics, and cutting-edge research

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports