Jun 30, 2024, 05:17 PM IST

Most powerful kings of Mughal Empire

Shweta Singh

Babur founded the Mughal Empire by defeating Ibrahim Lodi at the Battle of Panipat in 1526. He established a strong foundation for the empire with his military prowess and administrative skills.


Humayun faced exile but reclaimed his throne with Persian support. His reign consolidated Mughal rule, setting the stage for his son Akbar's success.


 Akbar expanded the empire through military conquests and administrative reforms. He promoted religious tolerance and centralized governance, making him one of the greatest Mughal emperors.


Jahangir continued Akbar's policies and focused on justice and the arts. His reign saw the flourishing of Mughal culture and architectural achievements.


Shah Jahan is best known for commissioning the Taj Mahal. His reign marked the zenith of Mughal wealth and cultural splendor, along with significant military campaigns.

Shah Jahan

Aurangzeb expanded the empire to its greatest territorial extent. His strict Islamic policies and continuous military campaigns led to internal strife and eventual decline.


Bahadur Shah I was the last effective Mughal emperor who struggled to maintain control. His reign marked the beginning of the empire's fragmentation.

Bahadur Shah I

Muhammad Shah's reign saw significant cultural achievements but weakened central authority. His era included Nader Shah's invasion, leading to the plundering of Delhi and further decline.

Muhammad Shah