Sep 16, 2024, 11:08 AM IST

Mpox outbreak: 10 symptoms, preventions

Apurwa Amit

Mpox has seen outbreaks in various regions worldwide, prompting health officials to raise awareness about symptoms, and preventive measures. Here some are symptoms and preventions you need to know:

Fever - Mpox infection can cause a sudden onset of high fever.

Rash - Patients may develop a distinctive red rash that spreads across the body

Headache - Severe headaches are a common symptom of Mpox.

Sore throat - Throat irritation and pain can be present in Mpox cases.

Loss of appetite - Patients may experience a reduced desire to eat due to Mpox infection.

Vaccination - Ensure you and your family are up to date on Mpox vaccinations to prevent infection.

Hand hygiene - Wash hands frequently with soap and water or use hand sanitizer to prevent the spread of Mpox.

Cover mouth and nose - Use a tissue or your elbow to cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing to prevent the spread of Mpox.

Avoid crowded places - Minimise exposure to crowded areas to reduce the risk of Mpox transmission.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports

Avoid close contact - Avoid close contact with infected individuals to reduce the risk of transmission.