Mar 1, 2024, 06:26 PM IST

Naga and Aghori Sadhus are not same, know key differences

Shivam Verma

Nagas follow Shaivism, while Aghoris practice unconventional Tantric rituals.

Nagas wear minimal clothing with ash and rudraksha beads, while Aghoris may adorn themselves with human skulls.

Nagas live in monastic orders and practice meditation, while Aghoris often reside in cremation grounds and engage in taboo rituals.

Nagas belong to specific monastic orders called akharas, while Aghoris may practice individually or in small groups.

Nagas participate in traditional religious ceremonies and rituals, whereas Aghoris perform rituals involving corpse meditation.

Nagas are often found at religious gatherings like the Kumbh Mela, while Aghoris are more commonly seen in cremation grounds or remote areas.

Nagas emphasise discipline, aiming for spiritual liberation, while Aghoris embrace the dark and unconventional aspects of spirituality.