Aug 28, 2024, 02:13 PM IST

Not only dogs, but these 7 animals can also sense natural disasters

Apurwa Amit

Dogs can detect environmental changes with their excellent sense of smell and hearing. However, there are other animals too which can sense impending natural disasters. Here are some of them

Cats: They possess sensitive whiskers and keen senses, allowing them to pick up on subtle changes in their surroundings before natural disasters occur.

Elephants: These gentle giants can detect seismic vibrations through their sensitive feet and trunks, enabling them to sense earthquakes from afar.

Birds: Some species of birds, like pigeons and chickens, can sense changes in air pressure and electromagnetic fields, warning them of impending natural disasters.

Snakes: They are sensitive to ground vibrations, enabling them to detect seismic activity before earthquakes strike

Horses: They have a strong instinct for self-preservation and can sense changes in the environment, including impending natural disasters.

Rats: They have been observed exhibiting erratic behavior before earthquakes, possibly due to their acute sense of hearing and sensitivity to vibrations.

Bee: Bees are sensitive to electromagnetic fields and disruptions in their hive's vibrations, allowing them to

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports