Sep 30, 2023, 04:50 PM IST

Razia Sultan: Lesser-known facts sbout Delhi's first female ruler

Mahipal Chouhan

Razia Sultana, also known as Razia Sultan, was a remarkable historical figure who became the first woman to rule Delhi as a sultan. Here are 10 lesser-known facts about her:

Early Education: Razia was well-educated from a young age. Her father, Iltutmish, recognized her intelligence and educated her in various fields, including administration, military strategy, and the Quran.

Conflicted Succession: After her father's death, there was a power struggle within the family for the throne. Despite opposition from her half-brothers, Razia's strong will and support from nobles helped her ascend to the throne in 1236.

Defying Gender Norms: As a woman, Razia's ascension to the throne challenged the prevailing gender norms of the time. She donned male attire to assert her authority and was often referred to as "Sultan" instead of "Sultana."

Military Prowess: Razia was a capable military leader. She led her armies in several battles and expeditions to strengthen her rule and expand her kingdom.

Turbulent Reign: Razia's reign was marked by constant challenges to her authority, both internally from her nobles and externally from rival kingdoms. She had to navigate political intrigue and rebellions.

Religious Tolerance: Razia was known for her religious tolerance. She respected and protected the rights of her Hindu subjects and other religious communities, which helped stabilize her rule.

Legacy and Inspiration: Despite her short reign and tragic end, Razia Sultana's legacy as a pioneering female ruler in a male-dominated society continues to inspire women and scholars today. Her story is a testament to her determination, courage, and intelligence in a challenging historical context.