Aug 23, 2024, 02:09 PM IST

Seven lesser-known side effects of staying in AC for long hours 

Meemansa Shekhawat

With constant climate change and increase in temperatures, staying in air conditioned rooms has become necessary. However, one should know about the possible side-effects of the same. 

1. Dry skin: Especially for those with sensitive skin, staying in AC for prolonged hours can strip the skin of its natural moisture. 

2. Dehydration: Staying in a cold environment for long hours can cause water loss in the body.  

3. Mental health: Long hours in AC rooms can lead to feelings of isolation and depression. 

4. Eye irritation: The dry air from the AC can cause tear film on the eyes to evaporate quickly, causing redness, and irritation. 

5. Sinus: Staying in AC rooms for long hours can cause sinus, especially to those with pre-existing sinus conditions. 

6. Joint and muscle pain: Being in a cold environment for long periods can cause stiffening of muscles, leading to discomfort and pain. 

7. Headache: Sudden change in temperatures between a hot and a cold environment can cause headaches. 

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports