Aug 22, 2024, 04:32 PM IST

Seven signs your house is haunted by negative spirits 

Meemansa Shekhawat

Here are some signs that tell you that your house is haunted by negative spirits. 

1. When you feel that someone is constantly keeping an eye on you, it might be a sign that your house is haunted. 

2. When your pets start acting strange or develop unexplained fear. 

3. When lights turn on and off automatically, this might be a signal that there are evil spirits in your home.  

4. When you start hearing weird sounds like someone is whispering or calling you. 

5. When television or another electronic devices turn on or off without your command. 

6. When you have bad dreams in your sleep, and feel that someone is trying to touch you. 

8. When objects go missing and found in unexpected areas of your house. 

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports