Aug 21, 2024, 03:59 PM IST

Striking images of meteor shower by NASA

Varnika Srivastava

NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day features ten stunning meteor shower photos, showcasing the beauty and wonder of the night sky.

Josh Dury captured a stunning image of the Perseid meteor shower over Stonehenge in Wiltshire, England, showcasing the bright, popular event in mid-August.

Chantal Anders captured a stunning image of meteors and aurora over Germany, featuring a rare red-blue hue due to the Sun's Sun particle explosion.

Cheng Luo captured a Quadrantid meteor shower over the Great Wall of China on January 3, 2020, showcasing the ancient monument's stunning night sky.

A Lyrid meteor was captured in April 2022, a bright reflection of the long-period comet, over Lake Nian in Yunnan province, China.

The 2019 image captures the Quadrantid meteor shower from La Palma, Spain, featuring the constellation Boötes and Comet Wirtanen, producing up to 120 meteors per hour.

Juan Carlos Casado captured a Draconid meteor shower over the Celtic ruins of Capote in Badajoz province, Spain, showcasing their variable activity and spectacular displays.

Miguel Claro captured a bright Perseid meteor streaking along Portugal's starry Milky Way, peaking in mid-August, with its colorful trail starting near Deneb and ending near Altair.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports